[Pdl-porters] Merging Travis-CI support and closing more bugs
Zakariyya Mughal
2015-02-18 21:34:31 UTC

I would like to have the Travis-CI support merged into PDL

The build is passing on Travis-CI
<https://travis-ci.org/zmughal/p5-PDL/builds/51287226> and this merge
request has fixes for pdldoc done by Ed.

There are many benefits to this. For example, I will be checking that
the PDL build works in the absence of Fortran as brought up by

In addition, I believe that this bug is fixed
<https://sourceforge.net/p/pdl/bugs/347/> (Bug #347 t/pdl_from_string.t
has a failure if BADVAL_NAN=1) as evidenced by this Travis-CI build :

| 47.11 8 min 42 sec 12 days ago 5.20 linux || PDL_WITH_BADVAL=1 PDL_BADVAL_USENAN=1 PDL_BADVAL_PER_PDL=0
| [snip...]
| ok 29 - sets nan to bad
| [snip...]
| ok 37 - pdl 'nan' works by itself # TODO Sign of Nan depends on platform, still some loose ends
| [snip...]

- Zaki Mughal
Zakariyya Mughal
2015-02-18 22:35:23 UTC
Post by Zakariyya Mughal
There are many benefits to this. For example, I will be checking that
the PDL build works in the absence of Fortran as brought up by
To follow up on this, I have made a build on Travis-CI which does not
install gfortran. The results show that it is passing in Build #53

| ✓ 53.6 7 min 21 sec 25 minutes ago 5.20 linux
| Log: <https://s3.amazonaws.com/archive.travis-ci.org/jobs/51292910/log.txt>, <https://travis-ci.org/zmughal/p5-PDL/jobs/51292910>
| Files=128, Tests=1870, 34 wallclock secs ( 0.86 usr 0.29 sys + 31.64 cusr 3.52 csys = 36.31 CPU)
| Result: PASS

| ✓ 53.13 8 min 10 sec 8 minutes ago 5.20 linux DISABLE_FORTRAN=1
| Log: <https://s3.amazonaws.com/archive.travis-ci.org/jobs/51292919/log.txt>, <https://travis-ci.org/zmughal/p5-PDL/jobs/51292917>
| Files=128, Tests=1715, 38 wallclock secs ( 0.87 usr 0.28 sys + 32.57 cusr 3.77 csys = 37.49 CPU)
| Result: PASS

Should I add these changes to the pending Travis-CI merge request?

- Zaki Mughal
