FYI, PDL-esque capabilities is one of two or three major features missing
before the p6 folks declare victory. And in case you didn't hear, they're
planning on declaring victory this coming Christmas. And in case you didn't
hear, MoarVM supports (some) machine-code jit generation:
All of this means that there's actually some chance that Perl6 code
operating in for loops on native typed, multidimensional arrays could be
"fast enough" for many of PDL's use cases.
Post by Ahmad ZawawiHi Chris,
Wouldn't it be better to simply use v5.14 instead of v5.10?
Perl maintenance and support policy
P.S. Are there any plans for Perl 6?
Post by Chris MarshallIt seems that now might be a good time to bump
the officially supported perl version for PDL-2.008
to perl 5.10.x.
Comments welcome (ASAP). I'd like to see the
change in the next CPAN developers release of PDL.
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Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." -- Brian Kernighan