-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Marshall
Post by Chris MarshallPost by Dima KoganThat's the reference (unoptimized) implementation of BLAS/LAPACK. You
almost certainly want an optimized library (ATLAS, MKL, etc). Many of
those are proprietary and closed source. But why do you want to compile
this, anyway?
I provide ppm packages of various perl extensions including PDL and a number
of PDL::* modules. (Full list is to be found at:
http://www.sisyphusion.tk/ppmindex.html )
It just makes these modules (which include PDL::LinearAlgebra) readily
available to anyone running ActivePerl or StrawberryPerl - without the need
for them to first build or locate any requisite libraries - and with no need
to concern themselves with Makefiles.PL that aren't appropriately
Wherever possible (and this is the case with PDL::LinearAlgebra), I build
against *static* libraries - so there's no need to distribute the library
itself, nor to worry that the packaged code might try to run against another
(different) instance of the library.
I *think* I can legally provide a ppm package built against most static
libraries (including perhaps even proprietary ones) without violating terms
of usage/distribution - because I'm not actually distributing the library
itself. (Anyone have views on that ?)
I don't personally use any of the PDL stuff myself - I don't engage in any
activities that call for it.
It's just there for anyone who might like to try to make use of it - and to
suggest improvements that could be made (as has happened from time to time).
If there's no opportunity to use it, then there's not much chance of it
being improved ;-)
Post by Chris MarshallThe same difficulty arises for
PDL::FFTW3 for the same reasons.
There's still those "Free to wrong pool errors" to solve as regards
PDL::FFTW3 and windows.
You may recall that we discussed them here a few weeks (months ?) ago.
They're a bit nasty - they happen in PDL itself; they happen well before the
final cleanup at the end of the script; and they haven't disappeared yet.
I did find a somewhat questionable method of avoiding them on 32-bit perls,
but could not find any hack at all that worked with 64-bit perls.
I'll try to get back to it soon ... and if I can get that done, we'll also
have ppm packages for PDL::FFTW3.