[Pdl-porters] CHM/PDL-2.007_06.tar.gz released to CPAN
Chris Marshall
2015-01-05 19:04:57 UTC
The latest CPAN developers release of PDL git master
in the runup to a PDL-2.008 this month has just been
uploaded and should appear at a CPAN mirror near
you soon.

We invite interested PDL users and developers to put
their contributors hat on and help us close outstanding
bugs and other items. Documentation fixes, tutorials,
and general testing (especially of the various modules
with external dependencies that may not get exercised
by CPAN Testers standard configurations).

Some work is in progress to improve the documentation available
on-line at metacpan.org and search.cpan.org. I'm not sure if
the new feature is activated for this release but the tests need
to continue to pass.


Release Notes for PDL 2.007_06 --------------------------
| BE WARNED: This release includes an update to the internal, |
| C-level PDL API for PDL versions 2.006 and earlier. This |
| will require that you re-build any PP or XS modules. Do not |
| upgrade or install over an existing PDL installation unless |
| you are prepared to do so!!! |
* Counting down to a PDL-2.008 release this January 2015
* Another quick CPAN developers release
- It is a snapshot of the current git development tree
and everything may not work correctly or have complete
- These release notes may not be fully complete. Please
see Changes (from the git log) for full details.
- All tests may not pass, especially ones corresponding
to issues in Known_problems.
- Manual build/install is recommended although the
cpan shell may be used by specifying the distribution
cpan> get CHM/PDL-2.007_06.tar.gz
cpan> make CHM/PDL-2.007_06.tar.gz
cpan> test CHM/PDL-2.007_06.tar.gz
cpan> look CHM/PDL-2.007_06.tar.gz
* Fixed a number of bugs on the sf.net tracker
* Fix for EU-MM-7.0 and later problem with dmake
* Include generated pod in the distribution so that
metacpan.org and search.cpan.org have better/working
online docs.